Our OARO process allows us to concentrate dissolved solids to near saturation, which not only increases the desalinated water recovery ratio but also allows us to economically produce high purity salts from the concentrated brine.
In the future, we are working on plans to extract other seawater dissolved minerals to further enhance our investment returns and to also lower the cost of desalinated water and salts for our customers and partners.

Hyrec is a developer, owner, and operator of desalination, high recovery desalination and Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) plants. Hyrec utilizes an Osmotically Assisted Reverse Osmosis (OARO) process, a capital and energy efficient process, to achieve high recovery and/or ZLD desalination.
Founded in 2015, with shareholders from the Middle East and Asia with project development activities around the world, with a highly experienced team in desalination, project management and operations, Hyrec can provide desalination solutions, brine management/minization, ZLD, and salt recovery, offering our customers guaranteed quantity, quality, and cost for their desalinated water and/or salt requirements.
Hyrec is a global leader in brine concentration applications for desalination, water recycling and zero liquid discharge (ZLD).
Our Values
on energy efficiency, resource conservation, and waste reduction.
advanced, eco-friendly water technologies.
customized water solutions for industries.
Our Projects & Investments
With projects and investments around the world, we’re exploring new technologies and expanding our reach. We’ve partnered with the Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research providing them with a research lab, with Hyrec5G to set up desalination plants in West Africa and with Hyrecmas to develop a plant in Indonesia.
Our flagship project in Indonesia will produce 25,000m3 of desalinated water per day and 210,000 tons of food-grade salt per year.
Where We Are